Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dealing with aftermath of flood

The weekend of May 1-2 Nashville and the whole Middle Tennessee area received a record amount of rain. As a result there was a great deal of flooding through out the area. Unfortunately my husband and I were among the ones that suffered flooding in their homes. We were luckier/more blessed than others as it was only our basement that flooded. We never got any water in the living quarter of our house. Just over six feet of water in our basement. Consequently we lost our furnance, hot water heater, washer, dryer, and a freezer. We also lost a lot of items we had stored in the basement. But most of the stuff we lost were not important items. We are packrats and have stuff all over our house.

We went about two or three weeks without hot water. I would heat water up on the stove for washing dishes and taking what I call "bucket showers." That's where you put hot water and add some cold water to it to make it comfortable. Then you take a can and pour some water over you to get wet. Then you soap up your washcloth and wash. Afterwards you pour more cans of water over you to rinse.

Besides a new hot water heater, we have had a new breaker box installed in the basement as the flood water did reach the old one. Even though water did cover part of the breaker box we never lost electricity. Now this Tuesday is a big day as we will have a new furnace installed. At the same time the furnace is being installed we are having central air put in. We currently use two wall units to cool our house. I am really looking forward to cool air.

As usual I am in a hurry, so will close for now. More some other time.


Cookie said...

Oh no! We were lucky enough to not be affected by the flooding, but I sure hope things have gotten back to some sense of normalcy for you!!

(I'm so sorry that I didn't know about Crochetville and your blog back in May!!)

Cookie said...

Oh, this in TN Newbie on C'ville, btw. :)